Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Offspec

Love us or hate us we are here to stay! I plan to use this blog as a sounding board for the cause of the Offspec. There are many Offspecs in WoW, which for clarity I'll define as a toon which is specialized in a tree that is considered by some (or most) to be 'underpowered' or 'not useful'.

For some reason, the general culture in WoW has developed an antagonistic attitude toward players who choose to play an Offspec. We are often treated rudely and in many cases are given derogatory nicknames which are then adopted as a label/definition of the Offspec.

This is of course unfair to the players of Offspecs, but not entirely unexpected considering human tendencies to categorize and then judge without thought. This is how predujices are born and how they are maintained. Not to mention expectation bias...but that is a topic for another day. :)

I myself play two Offspecs, a Protection Paladin named Nidal and a Balance Druid named Chimera. Both on the Ysera server and both in the awesome guild Anam Cara. I thoroughly enjoy playing both characters and plan on leveling both to 70...but more about the toons later.

For now let me just close with what will be the overriding theme here--Respect the Offspec!


Loni Huff said...

So when do we get to see your "offspec"? =) You ought to see if you can duplicate the code used at the bottom of http://balancepower.blogspot.com! Do you play many different classes and find that you naturally gravitate to these nontraditional builds?

I look forward to reading more of your blog! =)

Nidal/Chimera said...

Hi Phaelia! Honestly, I am quite the noob when it comes to blogs and such and wouldn't even know what 'duplicate the code' means! LOL. Heck, I don't even know how to put links in etc...

Will post about your other question. Thanks for coming!