Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Finally hit Moonkin!

Well the blessed event has finally occured! Moonkin I am, Yes? :) Having now gotten to lvl 43 as a "Jedi Wookie"(Tm), I have gone from really liking my Balance Druid to really, really, loving my Balance Druid!

Hitting 40 with my Prot Pally taught me that there is a serious jump in power at that transition. Same thing with my Jedi Wookie, only more so! At lvl 41 I solo'd a lvl 45 named elite Dragonkin--and this was after being told in guild chat that it wasn't doable. :) Granted it wasn't easy and I had to pull out all the stops but I did it.

Since then I have been taking on mobs up to 5 levels higher than me and doing just fine. Though the +5 mobs do force me to eat and drink after the fight.

Highlight for me though was when I grouped with a guildemates lvl 32 alt to help him level a bit. My Jedi Wookie was 42 at the time and he remarked that he had a 42 Feral Druid. After a few fights with the elite ogres north of Hillsbrad he remarked--"wow, I didn't realize how powerful the Moonkin was!"

Made my day! He said he might even respec and try it out. Golden!

Next stop is to start doing some instances and show off the power of the Jedi Wookie!

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